( first published on Russian - 08/07/2024, on 3 pages + added 12/07/2024, total on 4 pages )

( first published on English – 12/07/2024, on 4 pages, on the Orthodox Day of St. ap. Peter and Paul )


I decided to quickly write this explanation on Sunday (in Orthodox Nativity of John the Baptist), continuing to make extracts from the Gospels to prepare another, more difficult proof (JOY and de-Pression in its absence). HEALTH IS THE SECOND RESULTATIVE TRUE LIFE-STRATEGIC VALUE OF SOCIETY, AFTER TRUE JUSTICE and THE FIRST PERSONAL FOR EACH HUMAN and despite the fact that this proof is indirectly can receive from my ACCUSATION IN GENOCIDE and PROOF AXIS OF EVIL, in view of the significance of the value, which is demonstrably confirmed by the existence of organizations such as WHO and ministries of “health-care” in all countries of the world (hereinafter - you/your), it simply must be separate.  (It’s interesting that at this point, I decided to take a candle and was hooked the icon, when I looked of Who, it was the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, I put it in place, and then I thought, “Why am I being stupid and refusing help?” , took it out, put it down, lit a candle and “let’s go”.  At the same time, let’s  verify  what the “highest” officials and “luminaries” of modern “health-care” of the whole world together will “object” to us, because the lack of a reasonable objection makes them the reason of the ACCUSATION IN GENOCIDE).


I immediately emphasize: do not confuse illnesses (“-”/credit), their treatment (re-credit, but without returning to 0), with God’s health “+”/debit !


The absoluteness of my proofs I rationale by the absolute absence of specific positively verified and confirmed “alternatives” for at least 3 generations in a row and/or ≈250 years (TRUE EXCLUSION CRITERION) and/or the the possibilities of “scientific” evidence-based refutations in each of the variants.


Officiality of my proofs I confirm by the definition of health from WHO:

The WHO constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.,of%20mental%20disorders%20or%20disabilities.


There are questions with embedded meaning in mental, especially with the subsequent addition, and therefore there are three editions of translation into other languages, including Russian (psychic, soul and spiritual), but there are no problems with well-being. And this is enough for me for the True Absolutely Direct version of proof No. 1. + As I understand it, according to your principles (de-Pression), a person without well-being is called de-well-being, which over time was shortened into a shorter and more practical devil.  Accordingly, Euro-American godless democrats who “rationalize”/pervert the Truth/God’s norms, according to their ancestors, are devils/official political devils who have seized the helm of the world (this is the simplest Russian PROOF AXIS OF EVIL in the world). With the presence of negative dynamics of global genocidal geo and political “achievements” of their “management”/interventions, combined with the expanded  PROOF AXIS OF EVIL and the absolute lack of specifics, there is no point in refuting this conclusion yet (more on that below).


The perspectiveless is confirmed by the negativity of the actual dynamics and the negative forecasts of the WHO organization itself without constructive measures to change them.


The genocidaly confirm by the actual and further growing global scale of victims among civilians and other tragic consequences.

Variants of proofs:

No. 1 – “Jesus (Christ!) said to him: Why do you call me Well-being-giving? NO ONE IS WELL-BEING-GIVING (in himself) BUT GOD ONE” Luke 18:19. (In Russian, God’s terms are more precise, so when translating I tried to choose the closest version possible, although I know a priest who reads the Scriptures in Greek, where the terms are even more precise, with degrees). Are you “"health care-erists" more than Christ or are you so godlessly dullness that you are were going to get it somewhere to take God’s without God?  Which hemispheres of your body were you thinking in, trying for so many years to “fulfill” your essay  (in general, it is untrue and defective)? And since you have placed well-being under all the components of your health, you have thereby youself placed GOD as the HEAD/AXIS OF ALL HEALTH of society and human. And this is TRUE. The problem is that in the definition you made God the Head/Axis, but in reality you excluded Him, and therefore, according to the Lord, theoretically you cannot have any competencies in well-being. What is the name of your quality and does it relate to health? I am sure that everyone will agree that this paragraph alone explains all the negative consequences in the World ! Let's say you excluded God in the hope that you will stupidly and stubbornly (from great "health") collegially obtain specifics yourself and make a corrections in the process. Your organization, as well as all ministries of health, are over 70 years old, and some medical universities are several centuries old. Where are the godless specifics on your "health"? Next, we move on to a public clarification of the "specifics" by components. I exclude the physical and social components, although believe me, I am able to turn your "health" into manure for each component, only it will be much more voluminous. And given the growing geoinstability and the fact that these components are really part of health, but have produced so much negativity, the world still has to deal with them very specifically.


2. Let's return to the mental component. You yourself state that in fact the mental component is something more than mental disorders. Consequently, the mental completeness of the algorithms of consciousness must be maintained by a certain power level of influence. What is this power level called specifically? Mentality is a cumulative status in fact, but not a level. I, unlike you, re-unite with the believing ancestors of the whole world and call this level specifically - soul and spiritually dependent, and I declare that I am able to prove this with several more options, and, as a result, RETURN GOD, SAINTS and FAITH OF THE WORLD TO TRUE MEDICINE and I RESTORE THE FIDELITY OF THE MENTALITY OF THE ANCESTORS OF THE WHOLE WORLD WHO BELIEVED IN GOD UNTIL YOU PROVE A MORE POSITIVE SPECIFIC "ALTERNATIVE" WITH PROVEN STANDARDS FOR ALL COMPONENTS OF TRUE HEALTH and HLS (which you do not have evidence for yet)And since in the “PERSPECTIVES”  OF  DEMOCRACIES I have proven that the "alternative" is theoretically IMPOSSIBLE - I am making a RETURN/RE-VERT PER-VERT TO GOD FOREVER. Your "alternative" specifics, so far PUBLICLY NO ONE HAS HEARD or SEEN. And it turns out that in any case, one thing is clear specifically, YOU HAVE NEVER POSSESSED ANY PROVEN-CONFIRMED COMPETENCE IN THIS LEVEL: you do not recognize the soul-spiritual level of health, and "alternative" specifics of health of this level, and especially proven ones, have NEVER been declared by you.


3. Norms. Okay – you agreed analytically with the bodily norms and analyses (compared the figures with the biopsies), and now you understand that their displacements lead to some kind of violation. And where, purely theoretically, were you going to get the rest of the norms: social, mental and that component that you don’t have at all yet, although global circumstances have been indicating to you for many years that it’s high time to include it? Where, purely theoretically, were you going to get the measure/yardstick of your norms? To generate “norms” with the hemispheres of your politicians, which there is absolutely nothing to compare them with? In summary, regarding the norms: we have a partial defect in the completeness of the components, and an absolute defect in most of the norms of the existing components.


4. Healthy lifestyle/HLS. So much blah-blah for so many years! Where is at least one specific, verified version of a healthy lifestyle publicly stated? If by the date of this publication you cannot present to the world and your citizens at least one verified, specific version of a HLS, then this is proof of its absolute absence. You are true in stating that a HLS is “quality of life determined by motivated human behavior ...”, but you have no specifics on the level (mental) and its norms determining motivation, and as a consequence there are no specifics: happiness, health and HLS, and the relationships between them. One “abstruse-scientific” absolute blah-blah. Moreover, I publicly accuse you in forgery in using principles (you never had any specific ones) of your own criteria, because you declared “quality of life”, but for many years and to this day you have been trying to justify your achievements with a pill-like expectancy of life. Just like the total majority of godless politicians and/or their assemblies, who are trying to generate “wise” works with their meetings (in Russian True variant of meetins= receiving advice from ancestors) that “exceed” the Truth, and quickly legitimize it unverified, not having neither confirmation of its principles in the History of the World, nor a forecast with specific criteria for the future.  As of the SUMMER of 2024 A.D. (era of Truth !),  you all have it together, the LEADERS OF THE WHOLE WORLD, HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOT A SINGLE TRUE/VERIFIED  BY MILLENNIUMS (much less “exceeding”) VITAL STRATEGIC SPECIFICITY, that’s why you cover up blah blah, forgeries and frauds friend of friend. And so far, it is evident that Euro-American leaders are absolutely leading in this with the support and/or indifference (which =) of international organizations, including WHO, UN, etc.,  as the managers who force others to their “true” and “specific” course/“HLS” are at the helm of the world with already global genocidal geodynamics for many years. Do you have anything to publicly refute this Russian Orthodox conclusion specifically, on each point, providing your reasons, forecasts, results and dynamics in fact before the date of publication? If not, then RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY (and its Historical center is the city of Kyiv, more precisely the Kiev Pechersk Lavra!) BECOME THE ABSOLUTE LEADER OF THE WORLD IN TRUE SPECIFICS, including HAPPINESS, HEALTH, CHRISTIAN HLS (there cannot be a separate Catholic “HLS”), CRITERIA TRUE EXCEPTION, FAITH, PROGRESS, HAPPINESS and HEALTH, etc. Moreover, according to some True specifics – FOREVER ! How can all  “teach” “life”, “happiness, health and HLS”  if together you yourself are unfortunate soully ill nonlearnereds? Did you think that if you backed up your “wisdom” with on THIS (in RUS by latin=NA-TO) and on ANOTHER, you could make a forgery of the Truth? History has never known such a godless gathering of “sages” and “scientists.” Or are the Russians again to blame for your not having any True specifics?


5. Health loss dynamics criteria. Show public and specifically stated criteria in order of priority, and simple ways to control them, by which every person in the world will be able to understand that he is getting sick/losing health. From my example (debit, credit) it is clear that analyses/tests are not an early criterion for monitoring health dynamics, analyses/tests show the degree of the already occurred disorder/"credit"! When you show public and specific definitions of health and a HLS, then we will check the reliability of our grounds, criteria and methods, but for now, we have an absolute lack of verified specifics on this point. In total, paragraphs 2-5, in addition to the genocidal consequences (below), drag on for many decades of fraud, associated with both unjustified receipt of wages and billions of descents into irretrievable "black holes".


6. Fruits-achievement. The Lord repeats several times and gives examples: “By their fruits you will know them” Matthew 7:16_20 and others. The lack of competence in the declared health, especially in the quantum-metabolic and soul-spiritual components has led to the fact that the world is actually progressing globally, both in immuno-metabolic diseases, including cancer, and in geo-instability, and the world itself is priority governed by soully ill leaders who are incapable of adequately analyzing the circumstances and consequences of their own governance. NEGATIVE DYNAMICS OF LONG TIMES HAVE NEVER BEEN AND WILL NEVER BE IMPUTED INTO COMPETENCE (“wisdom”, “scientistness” and “faith”)!  those. the actual long-term genocidal dynamics of “health-care” in the True Health of their countries and the world is Absolute, indisputable, obvious proof of my statement.


7. “Compass” of health. Let's say you haven't caught up with the "stupid" Russians. Well, not the first time in History,  although by your can’t drawed the true conclusions from this. Given that you recognize the value of health, show your version of a specific “CONCEPTION OF PROGRESS IN HEALTH”, because I only periodically see only your future negative predictions. In what specific way, and according to what specific criteria, were you going to change the dynamics of your “health”? The point is purely fundamental: a competent person must understand that for everyone you need some kind of measure/compass, at least approximate, with the possibility of further correction and/or making a new one. If there is no “CONCEPTION OF PROGRESS IN HEALTH” at all (even with defects), then a logical question arises: “Which of hemispheres  of body do you look into the future, as leaders in the "health-care" of the country and the world?


8 ... There is other proofs that I will keep with me in case you come up with some more genocidal-fraudulent godless "health-care-able" ... nonsense.


Total: you can still, at least 2000 years, hang “noodles in people’s ears”, but from the date of this publication, thanks to God and the Russian Orthodox elders, I   FOREVER  PUBLICLY, ABSOLUTELY and MULTI-VARIANTLY PROVE THE DEFECTIVENESS AND INFERIORITY OF THE GODLESS “HEALTH CARE” OF THE WHOLE WORLD, INCLUDING WHO and RETURNING/RE-VERTING (symbolic in Russian=WHO-ROTATE) (albeit unofficially) GOD, SAINTS and CHURCH INTO TRUE MEDICINE. WITHOUT GOD, A PERSON/SOCIETY WILL ALWAYS BE, AT LEAST, SOULLY ILL, which sooner or later will give per-verted mentality, motivation, HLS and consequences. And now any believer in the world can take advantage of this at their own discretion, and Russian Orthodoxy, receiving yet another concrete proof of godless inferiority and having a specific, and so far the only re-verified HLS in the World, FOREVER and IRREVOCABLY/UN-RE-VERTABLY publicly proofly occupies the top line No. 1 of God’s personal value of a person: TRUE HAPPINESS and HEALTH. Now ask your godless Euro-American mentally/soully ill politicians, what exactly have they decided to teach us/Slavs in True Life, Health and HLS, especially after the evidence-based leading mortality rate from COVID in the world? Let's see how they help themselves in the consequences-retributions of their governance.


The presence of even one variant of proof makes my statement Absolutely Grounded, which is the evidentiary basis for the automatic inclusion of WHO, indifferent judges and “health care” managers in the ACCUSATION OF GENOCIDE. And then choose: either – Truth; or – Russian serial “Health Per-verts” with genocidal accusations. Perverts of Truth are a cure for the atrophy of Russian souls, without them they themselves begin to turn everything into “cancer” in view of such a long godless education (in Russian = make the True image).


And because you ascribed to yourself “higher” regalia and categories in “health care”, without having absolutely any specifics, you yourself exposed  to the Truth: for whoever exalts himself will be humiliated, and whoever humiliates himself will will rise" Matthew 23:12, Luke 14:11 and 18:14. For the edification of future similar “higher” dullnessers in True healthcare, from the date of this publication I, thanks to God and the Orthodox Russian Elders, RETURNING/RE-VERTING  EVERYTHING TO THEIR PLACES: physician without God is a lier, “higher” medical education, especially in mechanisms for strengthening the immune system, psychology and psychiatry (joy, de-pression, fears, motivation, complexes, etc.) in real modern “health-care” is heresy and a lie. God willing, we’ll figure it out, but the proof is banal: THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN AND WILL NOT BE PILLS THAT HEAL PART OF THE PROBLEMS I LISTED. I'm not against the existing godless medical universities and pill liars, but I want people to know that THEY ARE PROVEN TO NEVER WILL HEALED - them are wait for lifelong treatments/pills with no theoretical chance of Healing, for there has NEVER BEEN ANY HIGHER LEVEL, HIGHER/TRUE SPECIFICITY, POSSIBILITY OF HEALING AND WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT GOD !  If the “higher” managers of “health-care” and “teachers” in the “health” of medical universities  of countries and the world do not agree , then let them show publicly the verified and confirmed basis of the above “specifics” with working principles for at least 3 generations in a row and/or ≈250 years (criterion for the True exclusion of blah blah) before the date of this publication, otherwise - public fraudulent-genocidal blah blah health-farters. There will be controversial moments, in order to specifically deal with the dullnessly “Russians”, I will add the same number of points.


And since this proof, as well as others, are based on the MOST RELIABLE and PROVEN FOUNDATION OF THE UNIVERSE - TRUTH, according to all the canons of the world, they can be used for further proofs.


As for me: my illnesses and/or death do not cancel anything, I am a daring experimenter on myself at the moment, and not all unsuccessful experiments were rolled back/returned without residual problems. But I don’t regret it: why did I have to live my life as a physician-lier without specifics, when I had the opportunity to become a doctor with True specifics?


If you had True faith in God, then there would be True specifics, and the world would not see it. Worthyly of godless retribution: “the  godlessmen  came up  “more truth” essay, made from it obsse, went to “teach” the Russians and  on the whole world made pisse”? Are the Russians also to blame? Now say that we/Russians are “dullnessable”, “backward”, “incapable of anything” “evil” of the world, because I in TRUTH - by multi-variants and for you from different sides, have FOREVER ABSOLUTELY and publicly PROVE THE OPPOSITE. And once again,  together “object” that the Truth “has not come true” on  you: for by what judgment you judge, [in this way] you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" Matthew 7:2. Yes, we/the Slavs make mistakes, we lag behind in some ways, but more often because we regularly have to fight off the fanatical and/or fascist-nationalist politicians of Europe who have absolutely no grounded specifics at all times, regardless of the political system , which does not allow us to adequately recover, and there is an evidential reason for this, set out in the PROOF AXIS OF EVIL and confirmed by real “specifics” of the “norms” of mental “health”. And if I have already proven that your modern Euro-American leaders are the AXIS OF EVIL IN THE WORLD, which indirectly indicates that they are soully ill, then how can you “help” them “conr-vert” Russian proofs and diagnosis if YOU NEVER HAD HEALTH, NO HEALTH AND  NO NOW WHERE TO GET IT? If politicians were healthy, they would have seen this long ago, but as retribution, they will be torn apart by their own devils and soon the world will see this publicly, in elections and/or during financial showdowns.


The most paradoxical thing about modern “health care” is that, I having  the True specifics of happiness, health and HLS, I do not have the right to practice health without the perfom of the requirements of the Ministry of “Health” without specifics  (I took off my angelic robe to search for a HLS + due to other circumstances there was a big “window”, and now I don’t want to go back to pills/diseases). Those. in fact, health will not be allowed in, even if it comes on its own. This is how the World Mentally-godless Organization  (World-MORG) turned out, as an “alternative” to the church-soul-spiritual mentality of all the ancestors of the world, when one Russian sprog with a “Pencil” concretenessly inserted the Russian Orthodox HLS into the “specifics” of the WHO.


Friends call me doctor Dima, so be it.
